
Below are links to the exercise sheets supplied by Redwood Physiotherapy Clinic. They are available here for our patients to access, and are intended to supplement the individual instruction given in our clinic.


Neck and Arm exercises:

Eccentric exercise for Tennis elbow

Upper trapezius and levator scapulae stretches

median nerve

Prone Fly

Rotator Cuff Strengthening Programme


Back, Leg and Ankle Exercises:

Neural flossing exercise

Eccentric exercise for Achilles tendonitis

Gluteus Medius Exercises

Gluteus maximus exercises

Basic Knee Strengthening exercises

Calf Stretches

lower limb stretches (hip, hamstring and calf)


Core Strengthening:

Basic Pilates Exercises


4 point kneel TA (Transverse Abdominals)

Prone TA (Transverse Abdominals)

Wall Dip


McGill Core Strengthening Programme:

Half Squat

Cat Camel

Bird Dog intermediate

Remedial Side Bridge (Level 2)



Balance exercises

Lower Limb Fitness Test

Water walking programmes



This video is intended for gym / fitness  instructors who are supervising Redwood Physiotherapy patients for strength and conditioning programmes. It outlines all the exercises used in gym rehabilitation programmes for the injured person at Redwood Physiotherapy Clinic.

The video demonstrates the modifications to standard gym exercises that makes these exercises suitable to the injured population. This programme was utilised in Barry Donaldson’s PhD (2010) which studied the effects of a 6 month non-aggravating periodized gym strengthening programme versus usual surgical advise post Lumbar discectomy. 

For more details about the weekend course “Exercise Prescription for the Injured Person” click here.

VIDEO: Gym Rehabilitation Programme for the injured person

Disclaimer: These exercises should only be performed under the instruction of your physiotherapist. Please contact us if you wish to make an appointment to see how we can help you.

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