Biomechanical analysis and diagnosis for massage therapists.

Where and when

Where: TBC

When: TBC

Start:   TBC                       Finish: TBC

Cost: TBC

Dr Barry Donaldson PhD. Dip Phys. Dip MT.

Barry Donaldson has 37 years of clinical experience (private practise), a PhD in exercise prescription for the injured person, he is a qualified manipulative therapist, a former Canterbury, NZRU and All Black physiotherapist. Barry has more than three decades of working with elite athletes and fourteen years of teaching post-graduate physiotherapists on the topic of ‘exercise prescription for the injured person’.

The aim of the course ‘Biomechanical analysis and diagnosis for massage therapists’ is to: Enhance your knowledge of biomechanical analysis and muscle balancing. Provide some broad guidelines in terms of diagnosis and symptomatic presentation particularly for spinal injuries. Explain and discuss common injuries of the body. This later discussion involves pictorial description of common injuries along with their symptomatic presentation and broad rehabilitation guidelines, including massage therapy and treatment goals.

For further information, please contact Barry directly by email,


8.15am to 8.30am: Introduction and the day’s structure

8.30am to 9.30am: Biomechanical assessment, theory and practise.

9.30am to 10.15am: The core and abdominals, theory and practise of progressive exercise.

10.15am to 10.30am: Morning tea

10.30am to 12.00pm: Classifications of spinal diagnosis, symptomatic presentations of these diagnoses and broad treatment regimes, including massage.

12.00pm to 1.00pm: Lunch

1.00pm to 3.00pm: Presentation of common injuries covering shoulders, hips, knees and low back, along with broad treatment guidelines and rehabilitation goals.

3.00pm to 3.20pm: Afternoon tea

3.20pm to 4.00pm: Summarising the day, hands on practise of biomechanical assessment technique and running over any aspects or questions that arise.

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